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In my M1.2 I worked on the conditional statement from my PC-verdict of M11. With the activities that I did throughout the semester, I identify a couple of themes in which I learned something new or developed myself. Some are in line with my PDP goals, others are new themes I recognized through the course of the semester.
As a part of my PC-verdict, I had to improve my presentation skills. As I am an eager speaker, but not a natural talker, I learned that preparation is the key for me. Various activities gave me grip on how to prepare, construct and give presentations.
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Throughout the semester, I did various activities that involved interacting with stakeholders. I learned that tangible deliverables trigger stakeholders (users, clients, collaborators, partners) into discussion. I learned that by opening up the process and involving others I can achieve more.
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More than other semesters, I have been looking around and attending events, workshops and lectures. Besides that I learned quite something from the activities, it broadened my horizon and it changed my attitude towards trying new things.
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By exploring the boundaries of my interests as a designer by attending various activities, and iterative feedback on my vision from my coach and Oscar Tomico, I improved my vision to be more elaborate and specific.
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My web design business as well as my current project have sparked my interest for entrepreneurship. I attended some events which gave me a taste of it, and inspired me to dive more into entrepreneurship, and even continue with my project.
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My M1.1 semester was a research semester. I did the project Service 2.0, where I discovered the world of service design. It was my first semester as a Master student, and I had to get used to the new level of abstraction and the higher standards in modules. It was the semester that I discovered that design research does not suit me very well; I’d rather use research for design to come up with a design solution. This shaped my identity and vision.
I received a PC-verdict for my M1.1 assessment; the conditions were to work on my vision by broadening my understanding of the design field of my envisioned expertise. Next to that, I had to work on my presentation skills. I started with a PDP with the following goals: